
  • psychic mediumship

    Taylor connects psychically with your soul and spiritually through mediumship if loved ones in Spirit decide to join us during the reading. Taylor will translate messages and insights that are specific to you. Each session is conducted with the highest and brightest intentions and with space for conversion and questions as they come up. Recorded sessions are optional so you can reference what comes through for you any time.

    30 minutes | $150
    60 minutes | $250

  • energy healing

    In this session, Taylor connects with your body and soul to identify, clear and heal energetic blocks by scanning the body and chakra system. Throughout this process, Taylor will share any insights that come up for you. If something is holding you back or preventing you from moving forward, Taylor will channel universal life force energy to clear blocks, enabling the body to more readily and easily heal itself. You will also receive channeled tools that may support you after our session together.

    45 minutes | $225

for curious hearts + minds.

  • A psychic medium is a person who can connect psychically with your soul to provide intuitive insights and guidance and also uses extrasensory perceptions to communicate with the Spirit world to relay messages from those who have passed to living people on the earth plane.

  • Energy healing is a holistic, non-invasive, and medicine-free practice based on the principle of universal energy - the basis that all things are energy. Energy healers channel universal life force to restore balance, flow, harmony, and vitality, ultimately removing blocks from the body to support emotional and physical healing. Think of energy healing as a massage for the soul that enables the body to more readily and easily heal itself.

    • gain focus, clarity, direction, or answers regarding love, family, career, business, finance, health, or healing

    • connect with a loved one in spirit

    • experience peace, comfort, closure, or ease

    • feel empowered to make the best decision

    • realign with your soul

    • receive soul-led, life purpose insights

    • clear and overcome blocks that may be holding you back

    • the gift of healing and the knowledge that your loved ones never truly leave you

    • restore balance and harmony within your chakra system and body’s energy

    • clear and overcome blocks that may be holding you back

    • the gift of emotional or physical healing

    • sense of peace, calm, and relaxation (think of energy healing as a massage for the soul)

    • realization of deeper connection with everything in the world

    • feeling of lightness or groundedness

    • twitching, jumping, or tingling sensations

    • rise and release of emotions (tears, burps, giggles, or simply a sense of release)

    • nothing - this is completely normal, too and energy healing may still be beneficial even if you don’t feel anything at all

  • Taylor may intentionally hold crystals or use a pendulum at specific times during a session. However, Taylor does not use oracle cards, tarot cards, a crystal ball, or any other physical items during her sessions. Taylor psychically connects with your soul and links with the Spirit world through mediumship to deliver messages, insights, and guidance.

  • Protection is the foundation and number one “rule” of spiritual work. Taylor only works in the light. Before each session, Taylor sets the sacred container and intentionally creates a safe space to connect. Taylor calls upon her Spirit guides, angels and the Divine to provide protection, insights, and acts of grace for the highest good of all.

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